Friday, June 06, 2008

In Her Words

Your support makes a difference. Let me share what one of our clients recently wrote to us in response to our client survey:

Question: What, if anything, would you change about your experience with Administer Justice?

Answer: I pray as you grow your ministry that you'll be able to have enough volunteers to do intake calls. That's the only experience that I wish was less frustrating due to the concerns that arise if an issue is short-fused.

Question: What did you find most helpful in your experience at Administer Justice?

Answer: Talking with someone who knew the law and understood my responsibility and obligation to the laws and to my faith; so I did not feel so vulnerable or helpless with the issue.

Question: What would you like others to know about Administer Justice?

Answer: That you are there and about the classes that you offer.

Question: Tell us more about your experience.

Answer: I have had numerous difficulties arise following divorce and have had financial limitations due to health issues. It is overwhelming to feel one has no recourse with those who would use the law to our disadvantage. So having a ministry like Administer Justice to turn to, I am blessed to have
1) an understanding ear to hear my anxiety and concerns
2) the comfort of sound counsel and legal understanding
3) the wisdom of advice that is biblically consistent
4) the experience of someone who knows what "might" or "might not" be the resultant outcome and can prepare me for reality, right or wrong/good or bad... as everything does not always come out how we think would be "right" or just.
5) the opportunity to have prayer from concerned professionals.

Because you are there to discuss these things fully,
1. I can learn what I have a good chance of accomplishing in my own effort, and
2. That if I really need a trained advocate, I will not lack for quality because I lack funds. Therefore,
3. I can proceed with more confidence, less stress (much, much less stress and anxiety) and know I am doing so in accord with God's ways.

That means peace, even in the midst of the storm of overwhelming challenges.

Thank you for your ministry! Blessings on the work of your hands!


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